What are the main attractions in Nice, Cannes, and Monte Carlo?
Some of the main attractions in Nice include the Promenade des Anglais and the Old Town. In Cannes, the Film Festival and the Boulevard de la Croisette are popular attractions. In Monte Carlo, visitors often visit the Casino and the Prince's Palace.
Is this travel guide suitable for first-time visitors to the area?
Yes, the Mini Rough Guide to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo is designed to be beginner-friendly and provides essential information for first-time visitors to the area.
Does the travel guide include maps of the cities?
Yes, the Mini Rough Guide to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo includes detailed maps of all three cities to help travelers navigate their way around.
Is the eBook version included for free with the purchase of the physical guide?
Yes, the Mini Rough Guide to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo comes with a free eBook version that can be accessed after the purchase.
Are restaurant and accommodation recommendations included in the travel guide?
Yes, the Mini Rough Guide to Nice, Cannes & Monte Carlo provides recommendations for restaurants and accommodations in the three cities to assist travelers in making choices during their stay.